A.I. Collective:
Artist Intelligence is an interdisciplinary artist collective that stands at the intersection of art, science, society and technology.
Their research projects work with emerging technologies to examine as well as critique the digital present.The A.I. Collective takes a multiperspective approach through collaboration, discussion and participation.They explore the impacts of the post-digital age on society and the environment through multimedia installations, videos and performances. This work is presented in curated events that include panel discussions, symposia and interactive platforms.A.I. Collective develops the ideas and conversations essential for transformation, working together to envision new possible futures.

Future of digital identities
Gaming, AR/VR environment, 360 video, interactive live stream
AI explores the potential of decentralized identities and blockchain avatars and speculates if and how new collective virtual worlds without racism and systems of domination can be created…

Indigenous cultures in desert ecosystems
3D animation, 360 VR video environment
AI explores traditional knowledge of indigenous and local communities in relation to climate and biodiversity protection as well as dealing with and adapting to new climatic environmental conditions…

Potential of autonomous living units
3D animation, 360 VR video environment
What could a self-sufficient, multiflexible and mobile housing unit look like, independent of environment and terrain, enabling a modern nomadic existence?…

Speculations on human enhancement
3D Printing, AR/VR ENVIRONMENT, AI Algorythm
The AI Collective speculates on the development and application of technologies such as (neural implants,) brain-computer interfaces, nanotechnology interventions, 3D bio-printing, and genetic engineering in relation to ethical and social issues…
Ecology, Diversity, Technology
Future Lab
Oct. 2022
#DigitalSociety#Sustainability#Transparency#Blockchain#AgainstDiscrimination#FutureCity#HumanMachineInteraction#GenderShift#GreenTech#SharedMobility#InternetOfThings#CryptoCurrencies#Connectivity#Decarbonizations#AgumentedReality#ZeroWaste#Urbanisation#KnowledgeCulture#UrbanFarming#SharingEconomy#DeliveryBots#NewWork#Co-Living#DigitalHealth#WeCulture#E-Mobility#AI#Collaboration#AutonomousDriving#SelfTracking#MicroHousing#Cyborg#DigitalTransformantion#CircularEconomy#Privacy#FemaleLeadership#BigData#15 MinuteCity
Past activities
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AI Collective
Mag ben Atig (Tunisia/ Switzerland)
Betty Chen (China/United States)
Nataša Horvat (Slovenia/Italy)
Adora Opoku (Ghana/United Kingdom)
Su-jin Park (South Korea)
Markus Ruscher (Germany)
Dr. David Osman Busse (Germany/Pakistan)
Zana Noucer (France/Tunisia)
Be a part of the A.I.C. community
With your skills and technical know-how, you can make a key contribution to solve urgent issues of our time.
Support our platform, programme and projects with a donation
Artist Intelligence Collective Studio
Weinbergstrasse 50
8006 Zürich
Artist Intelligence Collective
Am Treptower Park 28-30
12435 Berlin