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BYOB Basel Edition

BYOB Basel Edition

BYOB Basel Edition

Presented by

HEK Haus der Elektronischen Künste Basel @hek_basel

Kunsthaus Baselland @kunsthausbaselland

FHNW Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel @hgkbasel_fhnw 

I art Studio für mediale Architekturen @iart_basel

Curated by

Benedikt Wyss, Curator SALTS and Curator Foyer Public Theater Basel


Thu 11.05.23 19:00 – 22:00 


Elysia 22:00

Artist Talk with Sabine Himmelsbach (Director 

HEK Haus der Elektronischen Künste Basel)

So 13:00

Powered by Christoph Merian Stiftung

AI expanded large language model system

AI expanded large language model system

AI expanded large language model system

The Installation AI EXPANDED LARGE LANGUAGE MODEL SYSTEM consists of AI powered multi channel videos and AI-powered interactions that explore the transformative potential of AI and the increasing overlap and fusion of our physical and digital selves within the merging analog and digital worlds.

We are in an important phase in which the development and application of artificial intelligence is progressing ever faster and is already having a far-reaching personal and social impact.
AI is more than just a technology, it is a technology that continues to generate itself.

AI is a profound scientific breakthrough that challenges our understanding of intelligence, creativity, and the human condition. It represents the culmination of decades of research into machine learning, neural networks, and data processing, enabling systems that can analyze, predict, and even create with unprecedented precision.

But AI is not just a technological achievement; it’s a scientific lens through which we can explore ourselves. It forces us to question the nature of intelligence: Is it purely computational, or does it require emotion, intuition, and consciousness? It drives us to examine the ethical and societal impact of technologies that can replicate—and sometimes surpass—human capabilities.

The theoretical AI ideal is an open-ended metamorphosis that evolves according to algorithms and computations, exploring the theories of Donna Haraway and using philosophical and social aspects of our collaborators Dr. Diana Acosta-Navas (Stanford University), Prof. Dr. Maximilian Kiener (University of Oxford) and Dr. Kerry McInerney (University of Cambridge) as a starting point for future perspectives.

The exhibition aims to encourage visitors to engage with such key issues and their significance for their personal lives, exploring identity and humanity, teaching adaptability, and highlighting inclusivity.

In addition, our artwork uses philosophical questions to encourage us to rethink our ideas of what it means to be human in a world that is increasingly shaped by artificial intelligence and human machine cooperation.
AI generated videos, AI-powered interactions and dialogues with the visitors
VR and AR Installation, Chat GPT4, AI Chatbots, 3D Bioprinting

Hate speech protocols – what effect is social media having on society?

Hate speech protocols, what effect ist social media having on society?

Hate speech protocols, what effect ist social media having on society?

The current project deals with the increasing spread of hate speech on social media platforms and thereby aims to address broader social challenges in the postdigital age.

Hate speech is an umbrella term for the phenomenon of group-related misanthropy or incitement to hatred that manifests online, mostly on social media platforms and public comment sections .
Through hate speech, individuals and groups experience, amongst other things: racism and xenophobia, anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim bigotry, sexism, homophobia and transphobia.
Trolls, individuals that revel in vile and abusive online behaviour, are even hired to specifically disrupt communication or to 
spread certain contents and ideologies.
Their actions promote and solidify anti-democratic attitudes and need to be confronted, as they threaten to jeopardize the internet and social media as a public forum that creates egalitarian access to information and enables fundamental democratic opinion formation.

In Hate Speech Protocol, AI Collective’s immersive video installation explores the development and spread of this growing phenomenon and makes it (physically) tangible for viewers.
In the expansive installation, the A.I. Collective uses, among other things, filtered data sets of toxic comments from various social media platforms and questions the possible influence of memes, hashtags, online trolls, and social bots.
With this project, the A.I. Collective wants to transfer this virulent topic from digital anonymity to the analog public sphere and make causes, effects and dynamics visible for those affected and society.


Indigenous cultures in desert ecosystems

Indigenous cultures in desert ecosystems

AI examines indigenous knowledge, asking how society could adapt to new climatic environmental conditions

Future of the self: Digital identities

Future of self: Digital idenitites

Future of the self: Digital identities

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Women from Ghana

Perspectives on decolonization and feminism in Ghana

Perspectives on decolonization and feminism in Ghana

In collaboration with the Center for cultural and African Studies KNUST, Kumasi the research project investigates the history of Ghana, the struggle for independence, post-colonial effects, and asks questions of female roles and rights in society from the historical context to the present and points to perspectives for a postcolonial future. In the project, women from Ghana, among others, are interviewed and deal with the young Ghanaian women’s rights activist and feminism movement.

Sea level rise and costal flooding impacts 2030

Sea level rise and costal flooding impacts 2030

Sea level rise and costal flooding impacts 2030

In their current work, Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Impacts 2030,
the A.I. Collective examines with the consequences of climate change and the associated rise in sea levels and their effects on urban habitats.
Beyond a global temperature increase of two degrees above preindustrial levels, numerous coastal megacities and metropolitan areas are projected to become uninhabitable, turning millions of people into environmental migrants. Imagining a life and survival in the Anthropocene, the AI Collective asks how affected coastal regions and metropolises will adapt to the new natural conditions and how a new coexistence between humans, nature and technology might look like. The A.I. Collective refers to scientific findings from diverse areas of research, bringing together urban planning architecture, biotechnology and engineering. as well as indigenous traditions. The multimedia work uses virtual and augmented reality technologies and installative video elements.

Anti-Asian Hate Speech Protocol

Anti-Asian Hate Speech Algorithm Protocols

Anti-Asian Hate Speech Algorithm Protocols

The current exhibition project addresses the rise of hate speech on social media towards Asian communities in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Overt expressions of racism, hatred, and xenophobia on social media have increased since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to its alleged origins in China, these incidents have increasingly targeted people of Chinese origin, but just as well members of other West and South East Asian communities. The AI Collective’s Anti-Asian Hate Speech Protocol immersive video installation explores this phenomenon’s development and its rapid spread. This is made possible by, among other things, filtered data sets of toxic messages from various social media platforms with which A.I. aims to illuminate the underlying dynamics and functions of memes, hashtags, trolls, and bots. Thus, this project contributes to the discussion on the state of online debates in light of the increasing role of social media as a critical access to information and facilitator of public opinion formation.